Contact - List of Employees and Telephone Numbers
Adil Mohammed Sahibzada
- Consultant
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1781
- adsa@teknologisk.dk
Afshin Ghanbari-Siahkali
- Senior Specialist, PhD
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1082
- ags@teknologisk.dk
Ahmed Belkacem
- Laboratory Technician
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3306
- adb@teknologisk.dk
Aisha Rafique
- Project Manager, PhD
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2336
- araf@teknologisk.dk
Akim Aalling Souary
- Senior Consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1377
- akso@teknologisk.dk
Albert Viñas Muñoz
- Senior consultant
- Tribology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2317
- avm@teknologisk.dk
Alberte Jo Petersen
- Consultant
- Personnel and Development, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3047
- ajp@teknologisk.dk
Alea Louise Scovill
- Consultant
- Agriculture and Digitalization, Skejby
- Cell: +45 7220 2891
- asco@teknologisk.dk
Alexander Leo Bardenstein
- Business Manager, M.Sc.Eng., PhD
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2238
- alb@teknologisk.dk
Alexander Rosenvinge Lindholm Bork
- Consultant
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2470
- albo@teknologisk.dk
Alexander Sandahl
- Product Manager
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1627
- ales@teknologisk.dk
Alexander V. Souproun
- Consultant
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2428
- axs@teknologisk.dk
Alexandra May Hyldgaard
- Senior Consultant
- International Centre, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1806
- alhy@teknologisk.dk
Allan Skydsbæk Hansen
- Team Manager
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2812
- alsh@teknologisk.dk
Allan Jensen
- Buisness Manager
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2049
- allj@teknologisk.dk
Allan Ove Kjeldbjerg
- Centre Project Manager
- IT, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1084
- akg@teknologisk.dk
Allan Halling Nielsen
- Consultant
- Automobile Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1274
- alln@teknologisk.dk
Allan Nielsen
- Specialist
- Masonry, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2824
- alsn@teknologisk.dk
Allan Rosenberg Pedersen
- Product Manager
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1229
- arp@teknologisk.dk
Allan Bech Sørensen
- Consultant
- Automobile Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2753
- abh@teknologisk.dk
Amalie Gunner
- Senior Specialist
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3195
- amg@teknologisk.dk
Anders Bank Blichfeld
- Senior Specialist
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1469
- abbl@teknologisk.dk
Anders Ask Carton
- Business Manager, MSc
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1365
- anca@teknologisk.dk
Anders Kring Clausen
- Consultant
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2754
- acl@teknologisk.dk
Anders Maagaard Drewsen
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2436
- amdr@teknologisk.dk
Anders Sehard Eg
- Technicial Consultant
- Automobile Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1013
- ande@teknologisk.dk
Anders Elbek
- Business Manager
- Wood and Biomaterials, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1146
- ase@teknologisk.dk
Anders Bæk Hjermitslev
- Team Manager, MSc
- Additive Manufacturing, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3521
- ahje@teknologisk.dk
Anders Christian Solberg Jensen
- Business Manager
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1264
- acje@teknologisk.dk
Anders Gammelgaard Jensen
- Business Manager
- Automobile Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1882
- agj@teknologisk.dk
Anders Kargo
- Team Manager
- Pipe Centre, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2931
- akar@teknologisk.dk
Anders Kjellow
- Centre Project Manager, PhD
- Wood and Biomaterials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1652
- awk@teknologisk.dk
Anders Lambæk
- Consultant
- Bioresources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2689
- alam@teknologisk.dk
Anders Mikkelsen
- Consultant
- Quality in construction, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3236
- andm@teknologisk.dk
Anders Pedersen
- Consultant
- Robot Technology, Odense
- Cell: +45 7220 1875
- ansp@teknologisk.dk
Anders Pødenphant
- Senior Consultant
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1669
- apod@teknologisk.dk
Anders Grarup Ringgaard
- Technical consultant
- Agriculture and Digitalization, Skejby
- Cell: +45 7220 1981
- agri@teknologisk.dk
Anders Kjærulff Svaneborg
- Team Manager
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2363
- anks@teknologisk.dk
Anders Højmose Thrane
- Consultant
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2696
- aht@teknologisk.dk
Anders Trempenau
- Specialist
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2105
- atr@teknologisk.dk
Andras Splidt
- General counsel, Attorney-at-Law
- Secretariat of the Executive Board, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2006
- asp@teknologisk.dk
András Beregi
- Technicial Consultant
- Concrete, Rødby
- Cell: +45 7220 2779
- asbg@teknologisk.dk
André Berle Falsig
- Senior Consultant
- Innovation and Digital transformation, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2851
- abfa@teknologisk.dk
Andrea Agerbo Hermansen
- Consultant
- Sustainable construction, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1660
- aahe@teknologisk.dk
Andreas Aakjær Andersen
- Consultant
- Additive Manufacturing, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2889
- aakj@teknologisk.dk
Andreas Wilfried Christof
- Product manager
- Wood and Biomaterials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1470
- andc@teknologisk.dk
Andreas Egholm Kirt
- Consultant
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1937
- andn@teknologisk.dk
Andreas Weje Warén Larsen
- Consultant
- Additive Manufacturing, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3033
- awla@teknologisk.dk
Andreas Bjerre Lunkeit
- Senior Consultant
- Business and Society, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1553
- ablu@teknologisk.dk
Andreas Sommerfeldt
- Consultant, PhD
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1633
- asom@teknologisk.dk
Andrés Villa Henriksen
- Senior Specialist
- Agriculture and Digitalization, Skejby
- Cell: +45 7220 2469
- anvi@teknologisk.dk
Anette Scavenius Brønnum
- Senior Specialist
- Secretariat of the Executive Board, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1313
- abr@teknologisk.dk
Anette Granly Koch
- Product Manager
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2539
- aglk@teknologisk.dk
Anette Jensen Smith
- Consultant
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1829
- ajs@teknologisk.dk
Anette Werner
- Senior consultant
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2407
- aws@teknologisk.dk
Angelica Tamayo Tenorio
- Team Manager
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2965
- ante@teknologisk.dk
Anita Rasmussen
- Centre Secretary
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2227
- anc@teknologisk.dk
Anja Jenter Kristensen
- Accounts Assistant
- Finance and Accounts, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2368
- ajk@teknologisk.dk
Anke Oberender
- Senior Consultant
- Sustainable construction, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3179
- aob@teknologisk.dk
Ann Windfeldt Thorsen
- Consultant
- Business and Society, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2522
- awt@teknologisk.dk
Ann Britt Værge
- Team Manager
- Agriculture and Digitalization, Skejby
- Cell: +45 7220 1032
- abv@teknologisk.dk
Anna Zink Eikeland
- Team Manager, PhD
- Air and Sensor Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1998
- aze@teknologisk.dk
Anna Louise Havn
- Consultant
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2556
- anlh@teknologisk.dk
Anna Krzyzanowska
- Senior Specialist
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1016
- akrz@teknologisk.dk
Anna Krestine Nørgaard
- Director
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2195
- aknd@teknologisk.dk
Anna Overlund Sørensen
- Consultant
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2379
- aos@teknologisk.dk
Anna-Catharina Röper
- Team Manager, PhD
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3431
- annr@teknologisk.dk
Anne Mette Frey
- Team Manager
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2008
- amfr@teknologisk.dk
Anne Therese Fyrsterling
- Senior Consultant
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2924
- atfy@teknologisk.dk
Anne Maria Hansen
- Innovation Director
- Production and Innovation, Management, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1916
- amah@teknologisk.dk
Anne Oksen
- HR Senior Consultant
- Personnel and Development, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2842
- annk@teknologisk.dk
Anne Saaby Schmidt-Høier
- Consutant
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1728
- anho@teknologisk.dk
Anne Vemmer
- Senior consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1822
- avg@teknologisk.dk
Anne Brit Zwisler
- Consultant
- IT, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3402
- abn@teknologisk.dk
Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup
- Director
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1602
- acha@teknologisk.dk
Anne Sofie Bukkehave Engedal
- Project Manager
- Air and Sensor Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2660
- aeng@teknologisk.dk
Anne-Lene Liebe Frørup
- Laboratory Technician
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3542
- anfr@teknologisk.dk
Anne-Lise Høg Lejre
- Executive Vice President
- Production and Innovation, Management, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3116
- alh@teknologisk.dk
Annemarie Holsbo
- Senior Consultant
- Business and Society, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2644
- anh@teknologisk.dk
Annemarie Drasbæk Søgaard
- HR director
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2070
- aks@teknologisk.dk
Anne-Mette Petersen
- Payroll Specialist
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2036
- annp@teknologisk.dk
Anne-Sophie Høgh Mahler
- Consultant
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3132
- asm@teknologisk.dk
Annette Hjorthøj Jensen
- Consultant
- Wood and Biomaterials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3028
- anhj@teknologisk.dk
Annette Lind Petersen
- Laboratory Technician
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1867
- apet@teknologisk.dk
Annette Holst Vinther
- Attorney-at-law
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2445
- ahv@teknologisk.dk
Anni Norup Jensen
- Senior Specialist
- Personnel and Development, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1011
- ano@teknologisk.dk
Anni Jytte Tanman
- Service Technician
- Campus Service, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2064
- ajl@teknologisk.dk
Anton Gade-Nielsen
- Consultant
- Communication, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3137
- agn@teknologisk.dk
Arash Ehtesham
- Business Manager, M. sc. Engineering
- Masonry, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1396
- areh@teknologisk.dk
Arezoo Taghizadeh Toosi
- Senior Specialist
- Agriculture and Digitalization, Skejby
- Cell: +45 7220 1724
- arto@teknologisk.dk
Arne Hørlück Høeg
- Consultant
- Business and Society, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2870
- arh@teknologisk.dk
Arvydas Latvenas
- Consultant
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2742
- arla@teknologisk.dk
Asger Munch Smidt-Jensen
- Consultant
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2177
- asje@teknologisk.dk
Asger Skød Søvsø
- Senior Specialist
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3191
- asov@teknologisk.dk
Aske Skyum Donslund
- Consultant
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1767
- askd@teknologisk.dk
August Jonas Larsen
- Consultant
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3090
- aul@teknologisk.dk