Pervious Concrete I – Adapting pervious concrete to the Danish climate conditions

Katja Udbye Christensen

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Pervious Concrete I – Adapting pervious concrete to the Danish climate conditions

Project start in January 2017. Completed in June 2018.

Due to climate changes, Denmark is experiencing heavier rainfalls and cloudbursts than previously observed. At the same time, the proportion of inherently impermeable areas in the cities is increasing. This means that in the event of cloudbursts, large amounts of rainwater are led into underscaled sewers, which can ultimately lead to  floods.

Internationally, in-situ cast pervious concrete has received some attention and yielded excellence results, e.g. in England, France, Germany, and especially in the United States. Despite that, in-situ cast pervious concrete has not yet been implemented in the Danish market. One of the barriers for implementation in Denmark is linked to specific Danish conditions, such as differences in the materials used for concrete production, soil types, and climate. As a results, the outcome of international projects cannot be transferred directly. For example, a decisive factor relates to the several freeze-thaw cycles per year in Denmark, which is greater than that from most European countries and the USA. Therefore, the Pervious Concrete I project, focuses on investigating the frost resistance of pervious concrete produced in Denmark.

The project is funded by InnoBYG.

Project aims

The primary goal is to address the barriers related to the development and use of in-situ cast pervious concrete in Denmark. Specifically, the barriers related to the durability associated with freeze-thaw exposure is addressed. The specific project objectices include:

  • identification of test methods that can be used for measuring frost resistance of pervious concrete under Danish climate conditions;
  • evaluation of the influence of the air content in the paste fraction of the material on the frost resistance of pervious concrete; and
  • evaluation of the effect of aggregates’ frost resistance  on the overall frost resistance of pervious concrete.


  • Danish Technological Institute (Project manager)
  • Dansk Beton
  • Unicon
  • Brønderslev Cementstøberi
  • Technical University of Denmark


The project results are available on InnoBYG’s webpage or in the project report (available in Danish).