Pervious Concrete II – Permeable concrete for rainwater management

Katja Udbye Christensen

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Koncepttegning over håndtering af regnvand i en fitlerbetonbelægning

Pervious Concrete II – Permeable concrete for rainwater management

Project start in January 2020. Expected completed in December 2022.


The amount of rain has intensified to the point that it has become one of the primary climate challenges to tackle in Denmark. At the same time, the proportion of areas in the citites with low permeability is increasing due to urbanisation. This entails that, in the event of a cloudburst, large amounts of rainwater are led to an outdated and undersized sewer system, resulting in floods and, consequently, compensation in the order of billions DKK on a yearly basis to those affected by the floods. .

Therefore, a large demand for climate adaption solutions that can effectively handle the increased rainwater volumes, be economically attractive, and create an architectural improvement of the urban environment is required in Danish cities.

To address that, the Pervious Concrete II project focusses on developing durable, insitu cast pervious concrete that is fit for the Danish climate and that ensures efficient infiltration of surface water. Pervious concrete is only used in few countries in the world despite its potential as an effective and sustainable solution for local management of rain water. This is primarily due to the lack of knowledge, standardized test methods and experience.

The project is partially funded by the the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Project aims

The overall goal is to create the necessary framework for the use of perviouns concrete in Denmark, providing an alternative to existing climate adaptation solutions. The specific project objectives are:

  • Development of standardised methods for documentation of the properties of pervious concrete;
  • establishment of specifications for pervious concrete;
  • development and optimisation of pervious concrete mix designs;
  • provision of guidelines on handling and preparation of pervious concrete surfaces;
  • provision of a catalogue illustrating architectural options with permeable concrete surfaces; and
  • full-scale project demosntrators to validate the use of pervious concrete as a climate adaption solution.


  • Danish Technological Institute (Project manager)
  • Tredje Natur
  • WSP Denmark
  • Unicon
  • Betonværket Brønderslev
  • Aarsleff
  • Fabriksbetonforegningen