Project – Super specialized Bio-active surfaces

Claus  Bischoff

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Project – Super specialized Bio-active surfaces

Nano and Bio-fictionalized surfaces that prevent bacteria cover   

Project start January 2008. Expected completion December 2011.

Projektet er afsluttet.

Bacteria on stainless steel surfaces can, amongst other things, cause rust formation and energy loss as well as contamination of foodstuffs in production. Each year, the industry wastes vast resources on production stoppage as well as time consuming cleaning of the production plant.

Surface modification of stainless steel surfaces with sol-gel lacquer is an obvious way to assist with this problem. Apart from sol-gel lacquers suitability as a matrix, where antibiotic matter can be embedded, they are also chemically and mechanically robust.   

The development of anti-bacterial lacquer is based on sol-gel which in itself shows non-stick characteristics. Sol-gel lacquers antibacterial effect is optimised by insertion of metal oxide nano particles and natural antibacterial enzymes.      

Project Objectives

  • Reduction of bacterial cover in, for example, dairy production plants and chill / heat exchange plants
  • Minimize amount of production stoppage days
  • Cleaning-friendly production plants
  • Use more environmentally-friendly cleaning materials, whilst decreasing the total used


The various main competencies of each project partner will be utilized to the full during the whole project.

  • Development of new sol-gel formula’s
  • Characterisation of sol-gel coatings physical and chemical characteristics in nano scale levels 
  • Toxicological evaluation of sol-gel lacquer useful in the food production plant
  • Laboratory screening for antibacterial characteristics of sol-gel coatings
  • Implementation of sol-gel lacquer with functionalized surfaces in dairy production plants and chill / heat exchange plants.
  • There will be continual communication between the parties making the development process flexible and effective. New findings can therefore quickly be implemented in the continuation process.