QUAD-AV - Experience
Stereo vision based 3D is the most versatile aproach to vision. It does not only give a point cloud, but also colour and texture. And in the case of QUAD AV you can add other imaging sensors like thermography and get 3D, colour, texture and temperature at once. Furthermore, it is highly customizable in the number of cameras, baseline, resolution, which wavelengths it should work on.
Compared to other 3D sensors it takes snapshots of the entire field of view in one timeslot and works in all light conditions. If there is no light, it can be helped with light projection, and it does not rely on a signal that can be overtaken by sunlight. This makes it ideal for outsdoor vision and security.
Through the project we have also gathered mini projects where we test the cameras in other agricultural cases:
Black-currant inspection
Apple scab inspection.