200L Fermentor
A 200L fermentor is used to carry out biofermentation processes on a pilot scale. Upscaling to 200L is often used after testing at 20L to qualify the product or process before further upscaling (e.g. to 2000L).
A fermentation process is used, among other things, for the development of food, feed, or food ingredients (e.g. proteins). The biomass, which can consist of microorganisms or plant material, undergoes a transformation using, for example, yeast or bacteria.
In a biofermentation process, biotechnology is used to select, modify, and optimize microorganisms in order to produce specific biosolutions. In biofermentation processes, the role of biotechnology is to exploit microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, fungi, or plant cells for the production of desired biosolutions.
The biofermentation process has the potential to produce a wide range of biosolutions for industries such as food production, biochemical production, and pharmaceutical production.
The available gases we work with
• Air
• O2
• N2
• CO2
We can cultivate aerobically and anaerobically with the following microorganisms
• Fungi
• Bacteria
• Microalgae
• Yeast
Our 200L fermentor
Gas supply controlled by MFC; ring sparger; gas mixing chamber.
Variable speed, temperature, pH, and gas supply for optimization.
Sensors: Temperature, pH, DO, foam.
Option to add batch with two different feed media.
- 40 – 225 L working volume
- 40 – 600 rpm rotation speed
- 5 – 135 oC working temperature
- Air supply 2 VVM, additional gas supply (CO2, N2, O2, H2) 1 VVM
RF200.1- stainless steel fermentor (300 L Total volume):
Working volume | 40 – 225 L |
MFC for Air flow rate (l/min) | 9 – 450 L/min (2 VVM) |
Co2 flow rate / o2 flow rate / n2 flowrate / H2 flowrate | 0.3-1 (VVM) / 0.3-1 (VVM) / 0.3-1(VVM) / 0.3-1 (VVM) |
Mixer type | Bottom mounted 3x Rushton |
Mixer rotation speed (rpm) | 40-600 (rpm) |
pH | 0-14 |
Vessel Operating temperature (°C) | 5-135 °C |
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
The 200L fermentor is a part of Danish Technological Institute's Biosolutions Technology Center, where we offer laboratory and pilot testing in the field of biorefining and biofermentation. Our equipment is often involved as a subprocess in the development of innovative products - either in research and development projects or in direct collaborations with companies.
Offer and prices
If you are interested, you can contact Anders Højmose Thrane.