Alternative fuels

Troels Dyhr Pedersen

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Alternative brændstoffer_2 juli 2014

Alternative fuels

At Danish Technological Institute, we have practical experience of adjusting engines to run optimally on alternative fuels. We have experience in both biological and synthetic fuels and fuel cell technology.

Ether and biodiesel - our experience covers:

  • Ether
    • Dimethyl and diethyl ether (DME oand DEE)
    • Ether- containing reformed alcohol (OBATE)
  • Biodiesel
    • Fatty acid methyl esther (FAME) AFME
    • Animal fat methyl esther (AFME)
    • Rapsmethyl esther (RME)
    • Rape seed oil

Modification of engine management and fuel supply system
An adjustment of the engine to run on alternative fuel implies both modification of engine management and fuel supply system. We have experience in programming open engine management and are able to optimize injection time and amount.

Test facilities
Our test facilities enable us to test and optimize engines on alternative fuels under realistic conditions. Our laboratory is equipped with motor test benches from AVL and Schenk where we perform dynamic tests as we can program and simulate driving cycles. We can also equip the engines with sensors for the measurement of cylinder pressure and thus monitor the combustion directly.

Emission and particle measurements
We have equipment for transient measurement of emissions (CO2, CO, HC, NOx) and a particle counter from AVL. Our chemistry lab can characterize hydrocarbon from collected particles.

Fuel cells
Fuel cells provide quiet operation and emit only a fraction of the pollution that characterizes combustion engines. We develop and integrate fuel cells into smaller vehicles in our hydrogen laboratory. Read more here

Natural gas
Natural gas burns cleaner than diesel and is becoming more and more attractive in terms of price. We advise fleet owners for a conversion to gas in terms of budget, performance and emissions.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Adjustment and calibration of engines in order to run optimally on alternative fuels
  • Complete programming of engine management (ECU)
  • Adjustment of fuel supply system
  • Measurement of emissions and particles
  • Test of fuel additives
  • Fuel cell technology
  • Counselling regarding conversion to natural gas