ATEX Certifications (ExNB) - ATEX standardisation

Steen  Christensen

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ATEX måler

ATEX Certifications (ExNB) - ATEX standardisation

Danish Technological Institute participates actively when the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), CENELEC and CEN prepare standards for equipment used in areas with potentially explosive atmosphere - Ex-areas.

The IEC standards are generally harmonized in Europe and published as an EN standard without significant technical changes and subsequently harmonized under the ATEX Directive.

Danish Technological Institute, presented by Senior Consultant Steen Christensen, is chairman of the National Committee (DS - S 531) in Denmark. The committee deals with standards for both mechanical and electrical equipment that must meet the requirements for use in Ex areas.

Danish Technological Institute has therefore access to updated knowledge on the Ex requirements at any time and can convey this to the Danish manufacturers and users of Ex material. Through the meetings, the Institute enters a large global network which is of benefit to our customers, when equipment is to be exported to countries outside Europe.

Material for explosive atmospheres - Standardization - S-531 Committee

The committee is involved in standardisation of mechanical and electrical equipment used in areas exposed to explosive atmospheres, called Ex areas.

The Committee is an influencing part of the national, European and international standardization work in the field of mechanical and electrical equipment, appliances, components and installation regulations used in areas classified as hazardous areas (Ex areas).

Hazardous areas are defined as areas where flammable liquids, liquid mist, gases or dust are present in a mix with oxygen, which can be ignited and thus explode. From everyday life, we are not in doubt that a gas station is an explosive area, but in industries such as grain and foodstuffs, textile, spray and powder paint and industrial bakeries there are also areas that can be classified as explosive.

The committee work includes further explosion prevention and protection as well as the special conditions of operation and maintenance. In addition, the committee works on standards for testing methods for determining the properties of flammability of substances and risk assessment and functional safety in potentially explosive areas. In addition, the committee deals with standards for zone classification, substance properties, installation, operation and maintenance and repair.

The committee work consists primarily of drawing up standards in relation to the ATEX Directives 2014/34 / EU, but installation and zone classification standards are also part of S-531. (Requirements for Zone Classification of Ex-Areas derive from 1999/92 / EC).

As a committee member of the S-531 you have the opportunity to participate in international and / or European work. Read more about the technical committees that organize the work in the working groups:

CLC/TC 31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres
CLC/SC 31-1 Installation rules
CLC/SC 31-2 Flameproof enclosures "d"
CLC/SC 31-3 Intrinsically safe apparatus and systems "i"
CLC/SC 31-4 Increased safety "e"
CLC/SC 31-5 Apparatus type of protection "n"
CLC/SC 31-7 Pressurization and other techniques
CLC/SC 31-8 Electrostatic painting and finishing equipment
CLC/SC 31-9 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases to be used in industrial and commercial potentially explosive atmospheres
CEN/TC 305 Potentially explosive atmospheres
IEC/TC 31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres
IEC/SC31G Intrinsically-safe apparatus
IEC/SC 31J Classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements
IEC/SC 31M Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres
ISO TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting


Read more: Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX)

See the list of the harmonised standards