Autonomous Robotics Lab

Lars  Dalgaard

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Autonomous Robotics Lab på Teknologisk Institut med mobile robotter og droner med avancerede sensorer og kunstig intelligens

Autonomous Robotics Lab

Get your business ahead with autonomous robots and drones.

The latest generation of robots can navigate unstructured environments and adapt to changing environments – which is useful in domains from warehouses and logistics to agriculture, construction and healthcare.

With AI, advanced sensors and the latest technology, it is possible for robots to perform tasks safely and efficiently outside of traditional production environments.

In our Autonomous Robotics Lab at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) in Odense, we can help your business exploit the full potential of this new generation of intelligent robots.

How can DTI help you?

  • Mapping the possibilities for how autonomous robots and drones can create value in your business
  • Testing and validating robotic components and solutions (including measurement, testing and analysis of drones)
  • Development and integration of customised robot and drone platforms
  • Impartial advice on safety
  • Advanced sensors that improve navigation and interaction with humans

The robot and drone specialists associated with the Autonomous Robotics Lab are experts in many things including indoor and outdoor mobile robots and drones, positioning and navigation technologies, mapping technologies, robot safety, artificial intelligence and advanced sensing.

Inspiration Library

Below we highlight four cases where mobile robots – combined with advanced cameras and artificial intelligence – perform tasks in domains where robotic technology is not yet widespread today. Click on the images to see more.


Spot looking for holes in the fence

Robots on construction sites

Drones for de-icing surfaces

Robot as complementary guide dog

Underground 3D measurements