Climate adaptation and Cloudbursts
With changing climates and more frequently heavy rain, the existing sewer systems in urban areas, will experience more often overloads resulting in floods. As a result of the heavier rainstorms and more frequent rainfall – referred to as “monster rain” in the press – a need to manage stormwater outside the traditional pipe system has occurred. New ways of managing stormwater are by handling the water on surfaces by seeing the water as a resource which are delayed, stored, infiltrated, and evaporated instead of transported to the wastewater treatment plant. By handling the stormwater on the surface instead of in the pipes, urban areas are getting more green areas, which creates more biodiversity, better living areas and decreasing the urban heat island effect. At the Pipe Centre we are engaged in promoting and developing existing solutions to managing stormwater as a resource.
At Danish Technological Institute we can assist you with?
- The impact of climate change on the sewer system
- What is Local Rainwater Drainage (LAR – Lokal Afledning af Regnvand)?
- Which possibilities exist within the LAR, including soakaway, raised garden beds, green roofs, etc.?
- How do you disconnect your stormwater?
- How can you utilize the stormwater as a resource?
- What is monster rain?
- How important are the climatic factor in drainage technology?
- The added value of LAR-solutions, including a project on soakaway with pipes for geothermal heating and our climatic concept on the management of rain in combination with energy
- Nordic Green Climate Wall – www.nordicgreenclimatewall.dk (in Danish)
- LAR-systems in Denmark – www.laridanmark.dk (in Danish)