Concrete production and execution
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The Danish concrete industry, as with many other countries, was badly hit by the financial crisis in 2008. Whilst the industry has regained some lost ground, productivity is still at a relatively low level. Combined with increased international competition, this makes it more important than ever to keep on top of the technological development and thus be able to make use of the latest breakthroughs in materials and execution (production processes). The Danish Technological Institute offers services that increase the competitive advantages of manufacturers, consultants and entrepreneurs.
The Danish Technological Institute can participate in long-term R&D collaborations or help you solve specific tasks within areas such as:
- Specification, design and use of self-compacting concrete
- Floor production
- Optimisation of concrete recipes
- Documentation of concrete components
- Tailored solutions to specialised moulds and digital solutions
- CE marking and FPC systems
- Full scale production and placing operations in moulds that may be produced using digital production in our robot cell
Our experts cover a wide range of relevant competencies within production and placing operations, which are continuously updated and expanded through our extensive research and development activities.
The following are examples of client tasks which Danish Technological Institute is currently involved in or has carried out in recent years:
- Pig-City (Consultancy regarding use of self-compacting concrete including mould manufacturing of complicated slurry channels).
- Copenhagen Metro Team (Quality assurance of concrete production and execution, testing of early concrete properties, temperature monitoring, production testing of hardened concrete).
- Dansk Auto-Værn A/S (Crash fence manufacturer) (CE marking of concrete panels: Preparation of quality assurance documents and implementation assistance).
- Industry Service Agreement for manufacturers of premixed concrete (BSO-FB) (preparation of common a FPC system, ERFA meetings, inquiries to standardisation committee and telephone support).
- Emineral A/S (Documentation of fly ashes from co-firing of coal and biomass fuel – physical and chemical properties and their application in concrete production).
- AFATEK A/S (Documentation of bottom ash from waste incineration and its application in concrete production).
- The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link (Establishment of a field exposure site at Rødby Habour and development and production of test specimens at Rødby Habour).
- Komplot A/S (Production of moulds and placing operations with SCC of 4 m long organically designed city furniture).
- The Building Fond Den Blå Planet (Robot-produced special shuttering for organically formed window niche).