Design Thinking

Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann

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Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a holistic approach to problem solving. The method constitutes an adaptive innovation framework for implementing strategic focus areas through a human and market-driven approach. Using fast prototyping and tests, Design Thinking enables development of desirable, viable and feasible value propositions and business models. The method creates a common understanding for where one is situated in an innovation process, and is based on qualitative understanding of humans and situations.

We take your company or organisation through an intense and engaging process, in which users, specialists, and stakeholders are involved systematically. In this way, Design Thinking ensures better understanding of customers' preferences and requirements and creates more accurate products and solutions.

Design Thinking is especially suitable for large-scale and innovative projects, but is adjustable. The approach is highly practice-based, and the best result is always achieved through immersive hands-on training. We deliver a field-proven tool box, which can lead to anything from physical products to social networks and IT services – whatever solves the problem and fulfills the strategy!

We have three different types of service offerings within Design Thinking, which can all be adapted depending on the desired Design Thinking variation:

  • InspireDesign:
    • 1-2 days, Hands-on inspiration to Design Thinking and how it may be used in your context. We give you a hands-on introduction to design thinking, and we demonstrate how it helps you achieve your strategic goals.
  • SprintDesign:
    • 5 – 10 days – An immersive design thinking experience, where we facilitate your team through a design sprint. You get a practical solution to your largest and most complex innovation challenge through an integrated design thinking process for a team of your employees.
  • ThinkDesign: 
    • A customised undertaking where the mindset, processes and tools are implemented into your company, department or team. You will experience a transformation of the way you see and implement innovation projects, by establishing a practicable and sustainable innovation management system that you will be able to scale, if necessary.