German wood stove manufacturer receives valuable feedback on initial testing for the US market
German Spartherm initiates EPA testing of their wood stove for the US market at Danish Technological Institute. They receive valuable feedback enabling them to meet the stringent demands of the EPA.
Manufacturers of wood stoves who look dreamy against large markets like Canada and the United States must first pass a so-called EPA test before the dream can come true.
Tough requirements for low output measurements
Danish Technological Institute (DTI) offers this test and points out that especially the requirements for low output are considerably tougher compared to the European market.
Nevertheless, the overseas market is interesting. German Spartherm wishes to market their wood stoves in the US. Hence, they have visited the laboratory for solid fuel burning appliances at DTI to perform initial testing. Spartherm did not find a test institute in Germany which can perform the EPA test and therefore they went to Denmark.
Valuable feedback regarding adjustments
”During our initial testing here in Denmark – we have asked a lot of questions and received valuable answers and feedback in return. With us home, we take good advice on how to proceed. What small changes we should make on our wood stove and what tests to carry out,” says Employee at Development Department, Christof Anneken, Spartherm.
Spartherm will perform some adjustments in order to live up to the stringent demands for low output. They will be testing these changes on the stove before final testing for the US market.
In the course of the establishment of further product groups, EPA tests by the DTI may be considered. But first of all, the best possible preparations have to be made in Europe so that the EPA tests and sales in the US can take place.
Initial testing provides certainty Regarding the initial testing Christof Anneken says: ”We have been very pleased with the dialogue with the Institute. The feedback has provided us certainty that we are moving in the right direction in order to top off our portfolio in the US market with this new product.” "With us home, we take good advice on how to proceed. What small changes we should make on our wood stove and what tests to carry out.” |
Spartherm looks forward to the forthcoming process and to market their wood stove in an exciting market.