Good animal welfare is also good business
Animal welfare is not just about ethics, it is also about good production economy
At DMRI, we know that handling animals in the right way before slaughter not only leads to good animal welfare, but also to good business – primarily because the meat yield and quality are better from animals that are not stressed. In addition, the right handling also results in fewer injuries and higher survival rate until the time of slaughter, which reduces trimming and waste.
It is always relevant to optimise animal welfare
You can almost always improve animal handling and procedures related to slaughter. Have you staffed up with new operators? Could your layout or machinery be running less than optimally? Some of the typical signs indicating problems are stops in production, increased need for trimming and increased drip loss. These issues should be addressed and not just accepted as unsolvable problems.
DMRI can help you with:
- Efficient animal welfare auditing by use of our new app solution
- Reducing trimming and drip loss due to poor animal welfare
- Educating operators in correct handling and certifying animal welfare officers
- Documenting animal welfare to comply with industry standards, using a third party
With use of the app, a web-based audit system, the slaughterhouse will be able to monitor animal welfare.
Final Animal Welfare
The perfect tool for surveillance, benchmarking and communication of your animal welfare status