MADE Demonstration Project
With a MADE Demonstration project, a small or medium-sized company can receive up to DKK 100,000 in support to solve a specific challenge in the company or test a new technology in production.
By being connected to the Danish Technological Institute, FORCE Technology or the Alexandra Institute, you get access to the technologies, knowledge and competencies that are necessary in relation to solving the specific challenge in the company - including 3D printing.
A successful project provides measurable improvements in the company through e.g. lower production prices, new products, or more satisfied employees.
At the Danish Technological Institute, we have made many successful demonstration projects, and we can help with advice and sparring about the design of the application. Below you can hear e.g. how Bühler-Meincke got started with metal 3D printing through a demonstration project from MADE.
Production or material focus?
MADE Demonstration projects are divided into two branches: a production branch and a material branch. The framework for the two branches is the same, but the professional expertise that is connected to the project is adjusted depending on which type of demonstration project you choose.
If you are seeking help in solving a challenge or exploring a new opportunity related to production in general, you should seek a production-focused demonstration project. In this case, the specialists involved will have knowledge of advanced production and specifically about the subject you are dealing with.
On the other hand, if it involves help with a material-related challenge or opportunity, you should seek a demonstration project with a material focus. The associated experts will be specialists in the field of materials, who can help you test and experiment with materials to optimize them and their application in advanced production processes. Material demonstration projects are part of MADE's larger focus on materials.
Extent: A MADE Demonstration project will include demonstration of technology and/or management tools to an extent that demonstrates benefits to the company. Implementation in the company is not a requirement within the duration of the project. Upon completion, the result must be evaluated based on the effect targets set by the company. SMEs that receive the project grant agree to e.g. an article being written about the project process and results from it – this is done after project completion. Furthermore, the project can be used as an example of a MADE Demonstration project at subsequent related MADE events.
Application deadline: Six times a year: February 1st, April 1st, June 1st, August 1, October 1st, and December 1st. No later than one month after the application deadline, applicants will receive an answer as to whether their projects have been selected as a MADE Demonstration Project.
Who can apply: All SMEs that fall within MADE’s purpose of strengthening Danish production companies can apply for participation in a MADE Demonstration project. If the company is awarded a MADE Demonstration project, the company is admitted as a member of MADE on the usual quota terms, and thus the company becomes part of the knowledge sharing in MADE and the broader effort to strengthen Denmark as a production country.
A maximum of one MADE Demonstration project is granted per. company per year.
Who can participate: Companies, RTOs, and universities in MADE that promote the purpose of the project.
Duration of the projects: Up to six months.
Project budget: Up to DKK 190,000. Half of the budget is funded and half is self-financing from the applicant company.
Amount applied for: Up to DKK 95,000 (50% of the project budget). Of this, up to DKK 20,000 can be spent on equipment and materials.
Self-financing: Up to DKK 95,000 (50% of the project budget). Of this, up to DKK 20,000 can be spent on equipment and materials. The rest of the self-financing is included as working time.
What does the applied for funds cover: The funds cover salary costs for the Danish Technological Institute, FORCE Technology and/or the Alexandra Institute in connection with the demonstration of new production-related technologies. The number of hours that the knowledge provider contributes to the project may vary according to the hourly rate, but usually ranges between 100-140 hours.
Read more and apply on MADE’s website
Production of nozzles for cake production had long posed challenges to Bühler-Meincke, but in collaboration with the Danish Technological Institute, they now produce nozzles and several other products with 3D printing. It gives them great design freedom and at the same time food approval has been obtained on the nozzles.
The company 4TECH has designed a tool changer, which allows collaborative robots to switch between several tools. The Danish Technological Institute has helped optimize and print the tool changer, which is designed specifically for production with 3D printing.