Pilot production - Feed, Food and Biomass

Anne Louise Dannesboe Nielsen

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Pilot production - Feed, Food and Biomass

Have your new product, process or production idea tested at Danish Technological Institute’s pilot production facility before commencing full-scale production.

Danish Technological Institute offers pilot scale test and production facilities in order for you to test new products and processes within feed, food, biomass and biorefinery. At our pilot test facilities you can perform trials under controlled conditions and receive reliable data for your verification or further product development before up-scaling to full commercial size.

Pretreatment, refining and processing

The pilot production facility at the Danish Technological Institute contains the newest technology in pretreatment, refining and processing ingredients and biomass for food, feed, energy, materials etc. along with data acquisition systems and laboratory facilities for verification and documentation of processes and product properties.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

At the pilot production facility we can support you in the development, adjustment and commissioning of your products and processes for an array of services.

  • Particle size reduction
  • Particle size classification
  • Pretreatment
  • Pelletising
  • Extrusion
  • Vacuum coating
  • Product, process and project development
  • Documentation
  • Project management