Production of powders, microencapsulation and stabilisation

Karin Loft Eybye

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Production of powders, microencapsulation and stabilisation

The latest powder technology at Food Technology, Danish Technological Institute, makes it possible to develop the properties of your product. Powder technology is well suited for stabilisation of, eg., food ingredients.

By utilising know-how within encapsulation and powder technology, it is possible to improve the properties of a powder and increase its durability. Ingredients can either be encapsulated or used for encapsulation in order to improve their value.

In combination with various processes such as spray drying, spray cooling, lyophilisation, agglomeration, coating, fluidising, micronisation and microencapsulation, the right choice of raw materials can give your product a competitive advantage.

Food Technology is your ideal partner for product development and/or small-scale production. The applied technology is gentle and can be used for raw materials that are sensitive to high temperatures and solvents.

Powder technology opens up for:

  • Entirely new physico-chemical properties
  • Increased durability
  • Stable emulsions
  • Replacing unwanted E-numbers with natural ingredients
  • Protection against oxidation from light and/or other ingredients
  • Powders with controlled particle size distribution
  • Change of crystalline form
  • Coating
  • Agglomeration
  • Water dispersibility – also in cold water

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

We can develop, produce and assist you in the up-scaling of your product and processes in the production of dried products and ingredients. In our pilot lab we can:

  • Provide advice on technological processes, product combinations, possible process parameters and various application possibilities.
  • Analyse raw materials and products, e.g., the size and morphology of separate particles.
  • Carry out pilot lab production in our micronisation, drying and fluid bed equipment.
  • Test final products in selected applications, perform durability and stability tests over time and perform sensory tests and evaluation with an in-house panel.
  • Produce 100-500 grams of powder per day – depending on the product and the process.