Robot technology news, video cases and projects - About DTI
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We are a leading digital innovation hub in robotics offering industry access to both commercially available and upcoming technologies, state-of-the art test and demonstration facilities and expert competences.
We help the global company optimise its production, but we also house the emerging entrepreneur and provide robot facilities and expertise.
In short, our expertise is wide-ranging, like our customers.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help?
We help you turn robot technologies into new or improved products, materials and processes.
We develop customised solutions for all types of tasks where automation and production optimisation can streamline workflows.
We advise - both strategically and with both feet on the ground - about the use of new robot technology and conduct feasibility studies on companies to detail the potential in automating their cases.
Our products and services delivered to companies, public organizations and others cover...
- Robotic Solutions. End-user centered design and set up of business cases, development of robotic systems as well as competences and organizational capabilities at end-user sites, deployment of robotic solutions.
- Test & Documentation. Performance measures on robotic systems in real end-user environments or in realistic lab set ups, analysis of these results and statistical analysis, good documentation, and dissemination of test results where appropriate.
- Training & Education. Tools, methods and theories transferred to end-users, system integrators, technology specialists, key stakeholders in robotic industries and users hereof with a focus on practical built up of skills.
- Consultancy. Identify robotics application potentials in current practices, resolve and troubleshoot malfunctioning robotic solutions, comparative studies of technologies and application specifics, general advice about robotics.
- Networking & Events. Workshops, conferences, exhibitions, study tours, and awards centered around robotics in different branches with a focus on personal relations, initiation of collaborations, and sharing know-how.
- Advanced Pilot Production. Development and manufacturing of robotic solutions or components with advanced high-tech features, establishment of advanced robot-based manufacturing.
- Research, Development & Innovation Programs. Breakthrough innovations based on strategic and advanced product design, consortia establishment, iterative cycle-based work plans, budgets, fundraising, proposal writing, contracting.
Expertise in technological domains covers at least...
- Modelling, simulation and programming of (robot)motions
- Mechanics, electronics and construction
- Sensors, signal processing and sensor fusion
- Modern Artificial Intelligence
- Human-Robot Interaction.
DTI is a networking organization that teams up with companies, public organizations, research institutes, branch representatives and other key stakeholders in order to join forces and maximize the positive robotics impact on end-users. More than 2.500 collaborating partners from Denmark and globally are included in the network.
For visitors from abroad
There are several ways to reach DTI in Odense. We have made a travel guide to help you plan your trip. You can download it through the link listed below.