Chemical analyses

Ulla  Christensen

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Kemiske analyser

Chemical analyses

The demands on documentation are constantly increasing. Documentation of product/material quality, durability and functionality is required as a minimum, but demands on documentation of health-related, safety-related and environmental product and material properties are also now being made.  

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • The laboratory at Chemical Characterisation and Services commands fully up-to-date laboratory facilities that, in combination with reliable consultancy and development expertise of the centre, make us the ideal partner within documentation and troubleshooting.
  • The laboratory at Chemical Characterisation and Services offers analyses accredited by DANAK of multiple samples and analyses

The laboratory at Chemical Characterisation and Services carries out a large number of client jobs consisting of either documentation of the positive contents of a given sample or verification that the sample does not contain unwanted components. Examples of the multible jobs are: 

  • Control of construction materials
  • Testing of consumer products, including toys, items for children and textiles
  • Environmental analyses (soil, air, water and wastewater)
  • Examination of plastic and rubber materials 
  • Validation of analysis methods
  • Particle measurement in air and liquids
  • Online measurement of industrial processes
  • Product comparison and patent cases
  • Migration examinations
  • Testing of contents of heavy metals - including lead – in all types of consumer products, including fishing gear. The analyses are carried out pursuant to the current Danish requirements 

Consultancy, development and troubleshooting
In addition to chemical/physical material examinations, the laboratory offers consultancy on product and process optimisation. Such counselling may include:

  • Method development and validation of analysis methods 
  • Choice of material and substitution
  • Process validation
  • Chemical experimental work and development
  • Surface chemistry and physics
  • Laying down requirement specifications

We are part of collaborative agreements on chemical troubleshooting in industrial systems.
In carrying out such jobs, we combine the technological possibilities of our modern chemical laboratory and experience from many years of counselling and current research and development work.  

  • Identification of surface coatings
  • Compiling analysis programs and preparing efficient sampling and supervision strategies
  • Identification of odour components 
  • Development, drawing up and maintenance of quantitative protocols for instance with product quality assurance
  • Characterisation of fuels in connection with wrecks
  • Identification of unknown materials