Homogenizer in pilot scale

Henrik  Grothe

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“At fermentere” stammer fra latin og betyder “at bringe til gære”. Det beskriver i alt sin enkelthed faktisk, hvad fermentering går ud på: Når du fermenterer din mad, konserverer du den ved at sætte gang i en gæringsproces, hvor de

Homogenizer in pilot scale

The homogenizer is an essential process technology that can help companies produce intracellular, uniform, and homogeneous products.

A homogenizer is often used after fermentation, when producing intracellular products. Additionally, a homogenizer is also used to uniformly blend liquids and products from biomasses, especially within the following applications: food, dairy, by-products, cosmetics, and biotechnological products.

Our homogenizer: Aseptic Rannie 5 10.38

Danish Technological Institute has a pilot-scale homogenizer. The homogenizer is food-grade approved but can also be used for non-food products.

Technical specifications:


Pilot Model


Rannie 5, 10.38


80 L/h (adjustable)


14,500 PSI / 1000 Bar (adjustable)

Minimum batch volume

20 L*

Hydraulic Valve Activation (HVA)


Cylinder design


*For volumes less than 20 L, please contact us for more information.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

The homogenizer is a part of Danish Technological Institute's Biosolutions Technology Center, where we offer laboratory and pilot testing in the field of biorefining and biofermentation. Our equipment is often involved as a subprocess in the development of innovative products - either in research and development projects or in direct collaborations with companies.

Offer and prices

  • If you are interested, you can contact Henrik Grothe