Courses and Conferences

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Programming Courses

Improve your skills software developing and in programming skills.

At Danish Technological Institute you will find a wide selection of courses and certification options.
If you can’t find a course that suits your needs, please contact us and we will help you.

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VAT is not included.
  • Guaranteed
  • Vacant

DKK24,999 kr

React, Redux & Router med Hooks

No. 87830 A
5 days course
Course/s coming up 9/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    9th to 13th September 202409/9 - 13/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    18th to 22th November 202418/11 - 22/11 2024
Vil du gerne kunne skrive interaktive applikationer i HTML og JavaScript? Eller skriver du allerede Single Page Applications, men er HTML fyldt med semi-kode, der er umulig at vedligeholde? Kæmper du med debugging af databinding og ydeevne? Kan du ikke lige huske, hvordan data finder vej til brugergrænsefladen? Kurset afholdes på engelsk.

DKK21,200 kr

Grundlæggende programmering i Java SE

No. 88779 A
4 days course
No classes currently scheduled
  • No classes currently scheduled
Deltag på kurset 'Grundlæggende programmering i Java SE', hvor du får en solid introduktion til Java. Dette kursus fokuserer på selve Java-sproget, og kun de mest fundamentale programbiblioteker gennemgås. Gennem teori og praktiske øvelser opbygges en god forståelse for objektorienteret design. Efter kurset vil du være i stand til at forstå og skrive objektorienteret Java-kode samt anvende enumerations.

DKK21,499 kr

C++ Programming

No. 90496 A
5 days course
Course/s coming up 9/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    9th to 13th September 202409/9 - 13/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    2th to 6th December 202402/12 - 06/12 2024
Get started with programming in C++. During this course you will gain knowledge on how to develop C++ programs and implement object-oriented concepts with C++. Participants are expected to have programming experience from another language but not nessacarily OO. This course is taught in English.

DKK14,999 kr

Blazor - Web Applications med C#

No. 90646 A
4 days course
Course/s coming up 26/8 2024
  • Taastrup
    26th to 29th August 202426/8 - 29/8 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    26th to 29th August 202426/8 - 29/8 2024
  • Taastrup
    18th to 21th November 202418/11 - 21/11 2024
Takket være WASM (WebAssembly) er det endelig muligt at oprette webapplikationer på ethvert sprog. Microsoft har skabt Blazor, som sammen med ASP.NET Core giver dig mulighed for at skrive webapplikationer, Progressive webapps (PWA) og (integrerede) mobil- og desktop-applikationer. Kurset afholdes på engelsk.

DKK20,499 kr

Modern C++ Development

No. 90495 A
4 days course
Course/s coming up 19/8 2024
  • Taastrup
    19th to 23th August 202419/8 - 23/8 2024
  • Taastrup
    21th to 25th October 202421/10 - 25/10 2024
Thought you knew C++? Think again! The C++11 standard is a huge leap forward in the language and STL. Largely inspired by Boost, the C++11 standard introduces support for lambdas, multithreading, vastly improved object construction mechanisms, and much more beside. This course takes a deep and detailed look at all the new features on offer in C++11, along with the incremental additional changes in C++14, C++17 and C++20.

DKK24,999 kr

Developing on AWS

No. 87922 P
3 days virtual course
Course/s coming up 23/9 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    23th to 25th September 202423/9 - 25/9 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    23th to 25th October 202423/10 - 25/10 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    27th to 29th November 202427/11 - 29/11 2024
Developing on AWS helps developers understand how to use the AWS SDK to develop secure and scalable cloud applications. The course provides in-depth knowledge about how to interact with AWS using code and covers key concepts, best practices, and troubleshooting tips.

DKK19,999 kr

Vue, Vuex & Router

No. 90409 A
4 days course
Course/s coming up 7/10 2024
  • Taastrup
    7th to 10th October 202407/10 - 10/10 2024
  • Taastrup
    18th to 21th November 202418/11 - 21/11 2024
Kurset tager et dybdegående kig på Vue.js-frameworket. Vue.js er kendt som det mest tilgængelige JavaScript-framework, som stadig har høj ydeevne og er nemt at vedligeholde. Kurset vil dække alle de primære elementer med over 200 eksempler og masser af øvelser. Kurset afholdes på engelsk.

DKK20,499 kr

Kotlin Development

No. 90493 A
4 days course
No classes currently scheduled
  • No classes currently scheduled
Kotlin is an object-oriented language that can run equally well on the Java Virtual Machine or natively on the operating system. Kotlin is also a functional language, and combines the features and benefits of OO and functional programming. This course provides a fast-paced introduction to the language for developers with experience Java or similar languages (e.g., C# or C++), and then delves deeper into idiomatic uses of Kotlin in practice. The course also shows how to use Kotlin Multiplatform to implement a common codebase that can run on any platform.

DKK14,999 kr

Svelte & Svelte Kit

No. 90638 A
3 days course
Course/s coming up 9/10 2024
  • Taastrup
    9th to 11th October 202409/10 - 11/10 2024
  • Taastrup
    2th to 4th December 202402/12 - 04/12 2024
Svelte is a new approach to reactive Front End Frameworks. It uses compilation to offer fast runtime performance, where competing frameworks need slower in-browser solutions. Svelte still offers all the benefits you can expect from a modern framework, like reactivity, components, ease of use, stores, etc.

DKK3,199 kr

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

No. 91251 P
365 days online course
Online access
  • Get access to the online course every day a year.
Learn how to build your knowledge in artificial intelligence and get an understanding of its business applications. This online course will introduce you to a broad overview of AI concepts, workflows and performance metrics, as well as machine learning and deep learning. You’ll find out how clustering and classification algorithms help identify AI business applications, and will also be taught the difference between supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.

DKK5,999 kr

Generative Artificial Intelligence for Business Professionals – CNX-GenAIBIZ

No. 91506 P
1 day virtual course
Course/s coming up 2/8 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    2th August 202402/8 2024
This course is designed to demystify generative AI for business professionals, as well as to trace its power to actionable, real-world business goals. It will give you the essential knowledge of generative AI you'll need to elevate the organization in these exciting times.

DKK20,999 kr

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner – CNX-CAIP

No. 91507 P
5 days virtual course
Course/s coming up 7/10 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    7th to 11th October 202407/10 - 11/10 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become essential parts of the toolset for many organizations. When used effectively, these tools provide actionable insights that drive critical decisions and enable organizations to create exciting, new, and innovative products and services. This course shows you how to apply various approaches and algorithms to solve business problems through AI and ML, all while following a methodical workflow for developing data-driven solutions.