Courses and Conferences

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Software Testing

New ways of developing calls for a different set of skills, when employees need to make sure that new software is operational from day one.

At Danish Technological Institute you will find a wide selection of courses and certification options within Software Testing. If you can’t find a course that suits your needs, please contact us and we will help you.

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VAT is not included.
  • Vacant

DKK24,999 kr

React, Redux & Router med Hooks

No. 87830 A
5 days course
Course/s coming up 9/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    9th to 13th September 202409/9 - 13/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    18th to 22th November 202418/11 - 22/11 2024
Vil du gerne kunne skrive interaktive applikationer i HTML og JavaScript? Eller skriver du allerede Single Page Applications, men er HTML fyldt med semi-kode, der er umulig at vedligeholde? Kæmper du med debugging af databinding og ydeevne? Kan du ikke lige huske, hvordan data finder vej til brugergrænsefladen? Kurset afholdes på engelsk.

DKK24,999 kr

Learn Modern Web Development: HTML, CSS, asynchronous JavaScript and PWA

No. 90259 A
5 days course
Course/s coming up 9/9 2024
  • Taastrup
    9th to 13th September 202409/9 - 13/9 2024
Lær at skabe moderne, hurtige og fleksible webapplikationer til mobilenheder og computere, baseret på de nyeste teknologier. Vi dækker de mest populære og succesfulde webmønstre og teknologier, og optimerer ydeevnen og udføre debugging og tests. Tilgængelighed og video går vi også i dybden med. Kurset opdateres jævnligt for at holde trit med det sidste nye. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk.

DKK14,999 kr

ISTQB Foundation (UK)

No. 90430 P
4 days course
Course/s coming up 9/9 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    9th to 12th September 202409/9 - 12/9 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    2th to 5th December 202402/12 - 05/12 2024
This ISTQB Foundation gives you an international certificate within software testing. You will get a professional approach to testing and quality assurance as well as a recognized terminology. You will learn about the best practice within the subject, become familiar with the different areas or software testing and receive training in constructing test cases using the different testing techniques.

DKK9,999 kr

Automatisering med Playwright

No. 91471 P
2 days course
No classes currently scheduled
  • No classes currently scheduled
Automation with Leapwork is a tool-based course that gives you the skills you need to automate your tests using Leapwork. You will gain fundamental knowledge of how to use Leapwork for quality assurance, and how it can be used in a work environment, such as to automate regression tests, smoke tests, or RPA (Robotic Process Automation).

DKK9,999 kr

Fundamentals of Software Testing

No. 90947 P
2 days course
Course/s coming up 31/10 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    31th Oct. to 1th Nov. 202431/10 - 01/11 2024
This course gives you the basic knowledge and fundamentals skills to work with professionally with software testing.

DKK9,999 kr

React Avanceret

No. 90319 A
2 days course
Course/s coming up 7/10 2024
  • Taastrup
    7th to 8th October 202407/10 - 08/10 2024
Er du erfaren React udvikler, og har interesse i mønstre, præsentationer/ydeevne og nye/fremtidige emner som Hooks og Concurrent React, så er dette kursus for dig. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk.

DKK9,999 kr

Test Management

No. 90948 P
2 days course
Course/s coming up 20/11 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    20th to 21th November 202420/11 - 21/11 2024
In this course you will get general knowledge of software test estimation, planning, supervision, and management as well as reporting. It is a great way to get started with professional management of software testing.

Course fee according to agreement

Risked-Based Testing

No. 91088 P
1 day course
Please contact us for specified course dates
  • Courses can be arranged og offered for companies.
Learn about Risk-based testing and how it can help you to prioritize the scope of your tests. It is used for test planning, follow-up, and reporting.

Course fee according to agreement

Testing in Agile Projects

No. 91102 P
2 days course
Please contact us for specified course dates
  • Courses can be arranged og offered for companies.
Testing in Agile Projects is a fundamental course for agile testers to develop the personal and professional skills they need, to be able to success in the team.

DKK5,499 kr

Fundamentals of Test Automation

No. 91103 P
1 day course
Course/s coming up 22/8 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    22th August 202422/8 2024
Fundamentals of Test Automation is a tool-independent, 1-day course that gives you the introduction you need to get started with test automation.

DKK5,499 kr

Fundamentals of Postman

No. 91123 P
1 day course
No classes currently scheduled
  • No classes currently scheduled
The course is a tools course, which gives you the basic knowledge and skills when working with SOA and service-oriented projects. You will learn how to work with Postman, to build structed and effective tests. Furthermore, you will gain a fundamental understanding of Services as well as XML, XPath, WSDL og REST. After the course you will know how to use Postman in your it-project.

DKK19,999 kr

ISTQB Certified in AI Testing

No. 91174 P
4 days course
Course/s coming up 7/10 2024
  • Virtuelt kursus
    7th to 10th October 202407/10 - 10/10 2024
This fundamental course to Artificial Intelligence (AI), gives you a broad insight into the AI methods used to test AI-based solutions and how AI-based solutions can be used to test other IT-systems. The CT-AI certification is included in the course.

DKK4,499 kr

Introduction to Testing

No. 91532 P
365 days online course
Online access
  • Get access to the online course every day a year.
Introduction to testing, as an on-demand course, is a tailored program for those who are involved with testing and desire an increased understanding of how to effectively work with testing and quality assurance.