Tool to conduct environmental product declarations

Helle Bro Schaadt

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Tool to conduct environmental product declarations

Danish Technological Institute (DTI) has acquired the advanced GaBi software for modelling of environmental impacts from concrete, wood and other products used in the construction sector. The GaBi software contains comprehensive databases and delivers verified data for a large number of raw materials, products and industrial processes providing detailed information on energy and resource consumption as well as emissions to the environment.

Using GaBi enables the assessment of the environmental burden of a product covering the entire product lifecycle – cradle to grave – or alternatively parts of the lifecycle, e.g. cradle-to-gate. GaBi is a beneficial and diverse tool in the work with environmental product declarations (EPDs), and an analysis of a specific product or industrial process may serve different purposes, such as:

  • Conducting life cycle assessments (LCAs) in order to inform customers of the environmental burden of your products and market yourself as an environmentally concerned company
  • Obtaining an overview of the environmental impacts from the life cycle stages of raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation and use; hereunder comparing alternative scenarios regarding e.g. maintenance and End-of-Life
  • Fulfilling legislation, for example sustainability requirements, documented by an EPD
  • Investigating the potential possibilities for product improvement from selecting alternative materials or suppliers
  • Assisting in product development towards a greener profile
  • … and many more

Environmental product declarations and LCAs carried out by DTI, using the GaBi tool, are in accordance with the existing ISO standards on the market; ISO 14040 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework”, ISO 14044 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines” as well as ISO 14025 “Environmental labels and declarations – Type III environmental declarations – Principles and procedures”.

How do I get started?

Danish Technological Institute can carry out the entire work for you. We can also offer our assistance, if you choose to be part of the working process. An optimal EPD or LCA is representative of the industrial product or system investigated, which requires detailed information about the stages in the product chain. It is thus important that you, as a producer, can inform of the material inputs along the chain and provide figures of the utilization of e.g. water, heat, fuel and electricity.

Contact us already today and let us help you get started!