Wood stoves

René Lyngsø Hvidberg

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Wood stoves

Danish Technological Institute offers type testing and quality assurance of wood stoves, pellet stoves, and inset appliances. The Energy Laboratory is the leading DANAK accredited laboratory for measuring emissions and efficacy of wood stoves, pellet stoves, and inset appliances. We offer all necessary tests for compliance with the European standards and requirements, including Flamme Verte. 

As an additional service here at DTI, you, as a customer, will have easy access to our experts' knowledge.

The Energy Laboratory conducts the following type testings:

  • EN13240, EN13229, and FprEN16510
  • Wood stoves after EN13240 as a Fast-Track-Test (faster and more inexpensive testing)
  • DIN+ dust testing
  • NOx and OGC testing
  • Testing for Austria
  • DIBT testing
  • NS3058/3059 testing of particle emissions for Norway
  • DEFRA Smoke Control Areas
  • Blauer Engel type testing
  • Documentation for UKCA (England)
  • Documentation for VKF in Switzerland
  • Flamme Verte in France

In addition to the CE-certification, there are additional requirements for wood stoves to have OGC, particle, and dust tests done in Denmark. At a new installation, the chimney sweepers must be presented a test certificate, and thereafter, sign the test certificate which includes information regarding dust- and particle emissions, and OGC-emissions for the stove in question.

The test certificate is issued by the distributor and must be kept as documentation for the whole duration of the stove installment. The reports are issued in English.


Please contact us for more information regarding prices and available dates for testing.