Danish participation in IEA HPT Annex – IoT Annex 56 – Digitalization and IoT for Heat Pumps - Results and cases

Jonas Lundsted Poulsen

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Danish participation in IEA HPT Annex – IoT Annex 56 – Digitalization and IoT for Heat Pumps - Results and cases

Get an overview of possibilities and challenges related to IoT and digitalization for heat pumps in Denmark. You will also get an overview of potentials as well as recommendations of how to exploit these potentials which are made in terms of the annex. Explore the results and get all the details.

Country summary report for Denmark on digitalization and IoT for heat pumps

In the summary report  "Country summary report for Denmark on digitalization and IoT for heat pumps", you can read more about the project and the results. You can also get an overview of the latest technologies within IoT and digitalization for heat pumps in Denmark. The collected information indicates that several products and services, which include IoT and digital solutions, are already available on the Danish market. These products and services enable the provision of monitoring, predictive maintenance, and ancillary services.

A number of ongoing research and development projects aiming at the improvement of some of those services by means of modelling tools, data analysis, and processing methods are also available.

Read more:

Final reports

Get all the details on the activities carried out in the Annex in the final reports.

Task reports

Take a look at the task reports from the international annex group.


In connection with the project, twenty-three Danish cases were made. You can find the 11 supplier cases and the 12 cases describing research and development projects in the following.

Cases - suppliers

Illustration der viser en hånd, der trykker på en knap

Cases - research and development projects

Illustration der viser to hænder, der holder IoT ikon