Kanalbyen – On the way to climate-neutral concrete constructions
Concrete is among those modern building materials that has changed limits in the architectural design. However, concrete as a material is struggling in the green transition, primarily because of the large CO2 footprint that the cement production causes. To continue to benefit from the many advantages of concrete, we must show the way to a significant lower CO2 footprint.
The project objective is to design and build a new common house in Kanalbyen, a new district in Fredericia, with concrete as the main construction material while trying to push the limit for CO2 reductions as much as possible. Thus, the aim is to reach a CO2 footprint of maximum 5kg/m2/year for a 50-year period.
To achieve this, several techniques are used, e.g. reduced use of material through optimized constructions, development of concrete mixes with a reduced CO2 footprint and utilization of the concrete’s ability to absorb and store CO2 from the atmosphere.
The project is partially supported by Realdania.
- AP Ejendomme (Project manager)
- Danish Technological Institute
- Rambøll
- Henning Larsen Architects
- Unicon
- Aalborg Portland
- Dansk Beton/Danish Concrete