Project - Bioenergy4Business
Project start: January 2015 Expected project completion: August 2017
The international Bioenergy4Business project supports and promotes the (partial) substitution of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, gas) used for heating with available bioenergy sources (such as by-products of the wood-based industry, forest biomass, pellets, straw and other agricultural biomass products) in the European Union and beyond.
Bioenergy4Business shows investors and operators how to use biomass in an energy-efficient and cost-effective way.
The project supports the following three main cornerstones:
- The use of sound business and financing models
- The creation of an enabling environment
- The careful assessment and implementation of bioenergy heat in both district heating and in-house applications
A project that connects policy makers and markets!
Targeting policy makers, Bioenergy4Business encourages the development of policy frameworks for sustainable, profitable and high-quality bioenergy heat. The project contributes to the achievement of the 2020 RES targets in the EU member states and paves the way for the use of bioenergy heat beyond 2020.
Presently, European businesses are dependent on coal, oil and natural gas, which are often imported from politically unstable regions. Bioenergy4Business helps businesses exploit the sustainable and considerable economic potential of European bioenergy heat. Bioenergy4Business is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.
Picture from study tour to Denmark
Main project objectives
- To identify the most promising commercial market segments for which a switch from fossil fuels to bioenergy is advisable;
- To prepare business strategies and models;
- To deliver know-how on the supply and usage of biomass;
- To train developers, consultants, heat operators and employees of energy services companies to assess and develop projects in communities with district heating and in sectors with auto-production of heat;
- To convince stakeholders of the opportunities that are created by local value chains for bioenergy heat;
- To make relevant policy makers aware of policy measures that could speed up the bioenergy heat technology diffusion process.
DTI’s role in the project:
DTI is disseminating Danish knowledge within bioenergy and biomass utilization. DTI hosted a study trip 29th and 30th of September 2016 for participating partners and other stakeholders.
More information about the project can be found on the project homepage here.
Information material
- Biomass in-house boilers for potential operators/investors
- Supply of solid biofuels for mid-scale heat plants
- Biomass Utilisation in District Heating Plants
Other project publications such as project reports and presentations can be found here