Project - HELIOS

Anders Christian Solberg Jensen

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Elbil Helios

Project - HELIOS

Project start: January 2021. Expected project finalisation: December 2024.

In collaboration with Aarhus University, the Danish Technological Institute and 16 other partners will develop a new hybrid battery for electric vehicles.


The new HELIOS hybrid concept for battery packs will ensure a lightweight, eco-friendly design that is scalable for use in both electric cars and -buses by using new innovative materials, battery pack design and smart control. This will set new standards for battery performance, safety, lifetime, and recycling.


A future in which you can charge the battery of the electric car fully in 6 minutes and then drive 350 km is the aim. Another aim is to recycle the batteries for energy storage in the grid once they have reached their end of life as electric car batteries. DTI also tests the batteries for this purpose.

Our role in the project:

DTI will test batteries to see how they degrade at different use patterns, test safety and fast charging in few minutes as well as assess the potential for second life of the batteries as energy storage in the grid.

To read more about the project, please vist the project website here.

Logo for Helios projektet

EU logo til projekt acknowledgements llleThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 963646



Project partners:

  • Aarhus University (project coordinator)
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Izmir Institute of Technology
  • Aalto University
  • IREC
  • Vitesco
  • Bozankaya
  • Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
  • Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg
  • TU Sofia
  • Tubitak MAM
  • European Copper Institute
  • Danish Technological Institute