Sausage Recipe Optimization - Concept based on success fee

Gunnar Strøm Mortensen

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Sausage Recipe Optimization - Concept based on success fee

Same functionality, quality, taste, flavour, and appearance as the present sausage – just cheaper!

Reduce raw material costs and maximize profit

DMRI specialists have worked with several meat processors and have provided significant economic profit to our clients. The backbone in our consultancy service is years of practical experience and insight into the raw materials’ properties and functionalities.

The concept is based on a success fee and is based on the cost reduction obtained for a monthly volume during a period of 12 months. The success fee is 35% per optimized recipe and is calculated as follows: 

(Raw material costPresent – Raw material costFuture) * Monthly volumekg * 35%

Ophængning af pølser

The procedure

Insight into each recipe must be granted as well as information of the costs for the raw materials used – the recipes will of course be handled strictly confidential, and upon request we can agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement. 

The production and processes will be screened and evaluated with the purpose of changing the present raw materials to other and cheaper ones. The fat and additives content will be identical to the content in the present recipes. The raw materials that are used in the different recipes today will be scrutinized. The DMRI specialists will find alternative raw materials at lower prices with same functionality, quality, taste, flavour, and appearance as the present sausage – it will just be a cheaper sausage!

To verify this, we will mix and process a 200 kg batch according to the existing recipe with the same spice mixture and processing parameters – but with the new raw materials – and we will evaluate the result in a blind test, a benchmarking between the old and the new recipe. This will be made for each sausage. Two-three days per sausage will be used to obtain the right result. Afterwards, we will start the optimization project, which will take approx. two weeks – and we can include approx. four sausage recipes. 

Reference: 0.40 EUR/kg was saved on the sausages produced. The calculation was based on raw material prices.

The methodology and work plan for the Sausage Recipe Optimization:

  1. The raw materials used are screened, and a process configuration is made
  2. The quotation is signed
  3. Upon request an NDA is worked out
  4. 200 kg ‘blind’ batch is made
  5. A panel performs a blind test
  6. Go/No go decision is made
  7. A raw material cost calculation is made for each recipe
  8. The new recipe is implemented
  9. The success fee starts
  10. Six follow-up visits

During the success fee period of 12 months, we will make six follow-up visits. Each visit will have a duration of two days. The time between and the duration of the visits will be settled as we go on.

Test af pølse