Construction and metals - Get help with materials

Maja Brusgaard Drøhse

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Rulletrappe i metal i stort byggeri

Construction and metals - Get help with materials

Metals are often unavoidable in new constructions or renovations. Whether it is steel or aluminium, these materials are typically essential parts of any modern construction. At the Danish Technological Institute, we can help clarify questions about everything from corrosion and surface protection to the choice of alloy and quality control of metallic materials in constructions.

Choice of alloy

Constructions can consist of a wide range of different materials in combination with each other. Often, corrosion conditions are an important element in choosing a suitable alloy. The location of the building, construction, and contact of materials with each other are important parameters when choosing the right alloy for certain parts of the construction. Our metal specialists can help make a qualified mapping and assessment of all these conditions. This means that you can make the choice that best suits the environment and economy.

Damage and Corrosion

Building materials often have to operate in one of the six corrosion classes: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 or CX. Therefore, understanding the environment, construction, materials, and protection is important to ensure the longest possible life of a construction. Our metal laboratory can also help with sparring on corrosion protection as well as assessment of corrosion risk for a given construction.

In existing constructions, corrosion can occur in many places - and at very different times in the life of a building. If you experience that your construction has suffered corrosion damage, our metal specialists can help with condition assessments and investigation of the cause of the corrosion, assess a possible residual life and a possible recovery strategy.

Quality control of materials and components

Are there requirements for your construction components or materials to meet certain mechanical or chemical conditions? We can help with quality assurance and control of your materials. Our laboratory offers a wide range of different mechanical and metallurgical tests to ensure that your materials live up to the agreed requirements and criteria - this applies to both strength, chemical composition, corrosion protection, etc.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Selection and assessment of alloys and surface treatments in relation to corrosion resistance and service life
  • Corrosion advice and inspection as well as damage investigation
  • Quality control of metals and coatings for construction - including examination of mechanical properties, chemical composition, and layer thickness measurements.