Environmental Technology for Agriculture - Determination of odor from agriculture
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Danish Technological Institute offers measurements and documentation related to odor emission from agriculture biomass facilities. We also offer to counsel about technologies for reducing odor nuisance.
Agriculture and biomass facilities can lead to odor nuisance. Danish Technological Institute can measure and document odor emission from agriculture and provide counseling about which technologies that can reduce odor-related problems. We have knowledge about different types of mitigation technologies that can be tailored to your specific application, whether it’s in agriculture, biomass or biogas facilities or even wastewater treatment plants. Besides this, we can determine the effect of an odor-reducing technology.
Our odor measurements are carried out in a certified odor laboratory and all sampling procedures are carried out according to internationally accepted standards. Based on the results, we can make OML odor dispersion calculations, which can give a picture of how far and where the odor may be of a nuisance in your local area.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Counseling about the necessary level of documentation of an odor-reducing technology
- Odor emission measurements from agricultural production and biomass facilities that can be used for environmental approvement of livestock facilities
- Counseling about which technologies that may reduce your odor problem
- We offer odor measurements in the following areas:
- Odor from animal houses
- Odor from applied slurry to soils
- Odor from biogas facilities or other treatment plants that generate odor