Environmental Technology for Agriculture - Development and test of environmental technology for agriculture
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Danish Technological Institute can contribute throughout the process of developing technologies designed for agriculture, e.g. by testing and evaluating developed prototypes.
If your company has a particular technology idea that you wish to develop or market, Danish Technological Institute can assist you in the process. Danish Technological Institute offers services throughout all stages of the development process and considers the readiness level of your technology.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
Generating ideas
In this phase, we support you in the innovation process. Our technical input contributes to new perspectives and ensures that you proceed with the most promising idea.
Development of technology
Through our technical knowledge, we guide you through the further development of your technology. We can contribute with market analysis and measurements of the effect of your technology. This will be useful in further development.
Test of prototypes
We can test and evaluate your prototypes. We can conduct proof of concept investigations, which ensures that you invest only in the most promising technology.
Danish Technological Institute has expert knowledge within the following technological fields.
- Animal housing systems
- Air cleaners
- Slurry separation
- Management and application of slurry to soils
- Slurry acidification and slurry additives
Danish Technological Institute can also generate the documentation for your finished technology in accordance with internationally accepted standards. For further information about verification and documentation follow this link.