Microalgae Services - Projects
At Danish Technological Institute (DTI), we work on a variety of microalgae projects that can benefit both the environment and society. Our research and innovation at DTI focus on harnessing microalgae to create sustainable solutions in areas such as food production, feed production, and energy production.
ALGAESOL - Sustainable aviation and shipping fuels from microalgae and direct solar BES technologies
The objective of ALGAESOL is to develop cost-effective, sustainable, and renewable aviation and shipping fuels based on game-changing microalgae and direct solar fuel production and purification technologies in order to accelerate the replacement of fossil-based energy technologies. Within the project, DTI is working on identifying early warning signals and tackling the contamination issues and in large scale microalgae production.
GeneBEcon - Capturing the potential of Gene editing for a sustainable BioEconomy
The aim of GeneBEcon is to use new genomic techniques (NGT) and contribute to an energy-efficient, low input and zero pollution agricultural production and industrial processing. The project will apply NGT in two production systems: (1) to develop virus-resistant potatoes and (2) to microalgae-based production of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) relevant to industry.
MICROFOAM - Bio-based fire retardants using microalgal foam
Overall ambition of MICROFOAM is to develop a microalgae-based sustainable foaming material for fire retardants. The sustainability will be improved by use of sidestream nutrients and efficient lighting system for microalgae. Within this project, DTI will optimize the sustainable cultivation of foam forming microalgae and develop non-toxic microalgal foam for use in fire retardants.
ProLocAL - Protein from locally grown legumes and algae for organic chickens
The ProLocAL project is a ICROFS Organic RDD GUDP Project.
The main project goal is to improve the environmental footprint of organic chicken meat production, by feeding the chickens with locally produced crops and microalgae instead of imported protein sources - without affecting taste, texture or quality of the meat.