PED and Pressure Equipment - Rebuilding and repair

Maja Rose Wieland

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PED and Pressure Equipment - Rebuilding and repair

Rebuilding and repair of pressure equipment according to Executive Order no. 99.

When pressure equipment with an operating pressure of more than 0.5 bar is established, rebuilt, or repaired - and when the equipment is used in Denmark - it is covered by the Danish Working Environment Authority's executive order no. 99 of January 31st, 2007.

This applies to both new and old equipment, whether it is CE marked or not.

Rebuilding and repair of pressure equipment corresponding to PED categories II, III and IV must be approved and certified with the involvement of a notified body.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

We are accredited by DANAK and designated as notified body no. 0396 within the Danish Working Environment Authority's executive order no. 99.

Approval and certification for rebuilding and repair takes place in two stages – Construction inspection and Production inspection (manufacturing control).

We ensure that you get through the certification process of your product in a safe and well-informed manner. We make sure that you always know the status of the case processing and that you know what the next step in the process is. In case of delivery time, we consider your production flow, so you do not experience the certification as an obstacle in the production process.

At the Danish Technological Institute, we collaborate with Weldadvice concerning Production Inspection (manufacturing control).