Wood and bio based materials - Surface treatment of building materials
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Planning, carrying out and control of paint and surface treatment can be a very complicated business.
It includes requirements such as:
- What materials are suitable? (Effects, environment, appearance)
- What sort of cleaning is required? (Method, effect, productivity, environment)
- Seasonal suitability in relation to when the work is to be carried out (temperature and moisture conditions)
- Application in terms of painting technique for the relevant job
There are many answers in Malerfagligt Behandlings-Katalog, MBK, (Professional Painting Treatment Directory) which forms the common basis for planning, description, supervision and the carrying out of paintwork approved by the joint parties of the building trade. MBK deals with paintwork on building and construction parts of concrete, brickwork, wood and metal and contains guidelines for paint treatment within first treatment, maintenance and renovation.
How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Consultancy Service on Planning, Carrying Out and Control of Paint and Surface Treatment of Concrete, Brickwork, Wood and Metal
- Damage Localization
- Proposals for Damage Improvement
- Quality Assurance
- Sampling of Paint and Filling Products
- Company Seminars, Open Courses and E-Learning Courses on Paint Treatment