Environmental Technology for Agriculture - Verification of environmental technology for agriculture
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Has your company developed an environmental technology that you wish to market either in Denmark or abroad? At Danish Technological Institute we can document technology reliability and environmental effect in accordance with internationally accepted verification protocols.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
ETV test
We offer to prepare documentation for an ETV test (Environmental Technology Verification). This kind of documentation can be carried out according to national standards (DAN-ETV) and international standards (EU-ETV).
EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) | Eco-innovation Action Plan (europa.eu)
DANETV - Dansk Center for Verifikation af Klima- og Miljøteknologier (etv-danmark.dk)
VERA test
We offer to make a VERA test (Verification of Environmental Technologies for Agricultural Production). VERA is an international verification arrangement designed for environmental technologies developed for the agricultural industry. As a rule of thumb, a full VERA test is required to be approved on the Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s technology list. If you don’t need a full VERA-test, we can adapt a test to your needs and documentation requirements.
Test protocols - Vera-verification (vera-verification.eu)
We can help you answer the following questions
- Which verification arrangement is optimal for your technology?
- How does the verification satisfy future requirements?
- Is a screening experiment needed before an actual verification?
We offer verification of the following technologies
- Animal housing systems
- Air cleaners
- Slurry separation
- Covers for slurry tanks
- Slurry or feed additives
- Slurry application to soil