Humidity and Air Temperature
The Humidity Laboratory offers calibration of instruments for measuring relative humidity, dewpoint and air temperature in a wide measurement range.
Furthermore, we offer testing of sensors e.g. for determining non-linearity, cross-sensitivity effects, etc. as well as temperature and humidity tests of other products.
For humidity measurements, we use state-of-the-art chilled mirror hygrometers as reference instruments. For the generation of well-defined conditions in terms of humidity and temperature, the laboratory uses a climatic chamber and a dewpoint generator. The ranges covered with this equipment are: 0.2 % - 95 % relative humidity, -75 °C to 70 °C dewpoint temperature and -70 °C to 180 °C air temperature.
We perform advisory assignments, business-oriented courses and are a valuable partner in development projects. We perform measurement engineering advice, e.g. on calculation of measurement uncertainty.
We regularly invite industry and laboratories to participate in accredited intercomparisons - see proficiency testing.
The laboratory is accredited by The Danish Accreditation Service (DANAK) in the ranges
0.2 % - 95 % relative humidity, -75 °C to 70 °C dewpoint temperature and -40 °C to 90 °C air temperature – see www.danak.dk registration no. 200 for detailed specifications of the calibration services and uncertainties.