Building damage and condition - Building technology - construction, quality and damage localization
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Construction design, choice of materials, legislation and quality of workmanship are some of the areas covered by the concept of building technology. Most importantly is the climate screen, i.e. external walls, roofs, floors and windows/doors which are all constructions with heavy demands on performance. Consultants of The Danish Technological Institute have extensive experience in building technology and offer objective and impartial counselling within this area.
In cases of damage, we will carry out damage localization and present a proposal for repair.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Assessment and Optimization of Constructions in the Climate Screen
- Assessment of Project Quality and Workmanship
- Moisture Measurements
- Status Assessment and Damage Localization
- Water Entry
- Thermal Bridges
- Draught Discomfort
- Moisture Damage
- Remaining Lifespan for Materials/Components
- Buildings in Kolding disturbed by noise nuisance
- Water entry into parking floor