Consultancy within the Machinery Directive - CE marking or not?
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When rebuilding, modifying and installing machines and production equipment, the question often arises whether the equipment must be CE marked or not.
Likewise, the question often arises as to how to relate to other equipment that is not a machine, but a technical aid or work tool, e.g. supports, trestles, work platforms, etc.
What we offer
The Danish Technological Institute will help you clarify these issues and guide you on how the requirements for the equipment are complied with, and how relevant legislation is fulfilled.
We help you solve both practical and theoretical tasks, such as:
- Preparation of documentation, calculations, drawings, etc.
- Preparation of risk assessment and manuals
- Preparation of requirements for control according to DS/EN 13849
- Possible test and examination
- Compliance with legislation and relevant standards
The process is carried out in close collaboration, which is typically initiated with a meeting where requirements and needs are clarified, and always takes as its starting point what is most practical and economical for you.
We have many years of experience with CE marking with a thorough knowledge of relevant EU directives, standards and current legislation.
Contact us if you need help with the CE marking, or if you have any questions.