Introduction to 3D printing - Facilities and benefits
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Great possibilities with 3D printing
Our ambition is to introduce especially Danish companies to Additive Manufacturing. There is a large untapped potential, and the technology has now matured to a level where even small companies can benefit from exploiting the great potential of Additive Manufacturing. Among other things, Additive Manufacturing allows for creation of components with greater design freedom, lower weight and shorter production time.
Through the AM-LINE 4.0 project, which has partners such as Grundfos and Danfoss, we also focus on open innovation and on inviting companies in. The target group is especially the group of SMEs, who can benefit greatly from using Additive Manufacturing in their product development and production.
At our Additive Manufacturing facilities, companies get access to knowledge and testing of the following technologies:
- 4 metal printers
- Plastic printing Technologies
- Post processing facilities (heat and surface treatment)
- CT scan
- Equipment for quality assurance
- Course Facilities
Benefits of Additive Manufacturing
Deloitte predicts that the worldwide market for Additive Manufacturing will rise to more than 20 billion dollars by 2020, and a lot suggests that Additive Manufacturing – or 3D printing - will revolutionize the way we develop and produce our products in the future. With Additive Manufacturing, you can print unique items in e.g. metal, and the technology offers several advantages in design, production time and price, which fit the customers' increasing demands for flexible products and short deadlines.
- Function Optimization
- Design Freedom
- Flexible production without stocking
- No use of production tools
- Short delivery time
- Cheap unit prices for small series production
- Individual flexibility independent of serial size
Additive Manufacturing at Danish Technological Institute
At the Danish Technological Institute, we have 30 years of experience within Additive Manufacturing - from the development of prototypes and small series to the use of Additive Manufacturing as an integrated part of the production chain. We focus on delivering a complete solution and therefore offer a coherent value chain from optimization of design, manufacturing, finishing, quality assurance and certification to technology transfer and implementation in the industry.