Clothing and textile - Product Safety

Charlotte  Fischer

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Clothing and textile - Product Safety

The EU Product Safety Directive regulates all products. By law, manufacturers and distributors carry the responsibility not to bring products on the market, which present a health or safety hazard to wards or property when used in the manner intended.

The Safety Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency regulate product safety. The authorities perform random checks of products on the market. The EU Official Journal publishes the list of products found to be unsafe and withdrawn from the market.

There are many safety issues, such as fire, fall accidents, choking, chemical content, etc. DTI can collaborate with you in selecting the testing standard for your product. If there are no existing standards available that directly relate to your products, we can advise you on which requirements to request.

DTI provides independent documentation of the safety of your products by ensuring that they comply with EU standards in our accredited laboratory.

The Product Safety Act (no. 364, 18 May 1994)
§6. ”A product is considered safe if it is not hazardous to the health or safety of persons or property when used for the intended purpose and in the intended manner.”
§8. ”Only safe products may be placed on the market          
§9. paragraph 2 ”It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and distributor within the framework of the company to take precautions to prevent hazardous products from reaching the market”.     

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Provide independent documentation proving that your textile products meet safety standards
  • Advice on which safety requirements to request
  • Inform your customers that your products are guarenteed with a hangtag if they meet safety standards
  • Prevent potentially hazardous products from reaching the market by testing your products